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Bermuda is a self-governing British dependency that melds island living with proper English traditions. Cruise to Bermuda and see sparkling blue water and pink-sand beaches, and hibiscus and bougainvillea blooms in front of pretty pastel cottages. If you cruise Bermuda you'll also find that afternoon tea is a daily ritual, judges still wear powdered wigs and cricket is a much-loved sport.
Unlike Caribbean cruises, Bermuda cruises are tightly controlled in order to keep the crowds to a minimum. Because of limits on the number of passengers that may disembark in Bermuda, it is not unusual for Bermuda cruise lines to limit the number of cabins with triple or quad occupancy on a particular sailing. This means that families planning to cruise to Bermuda in the summer (when school is out) should generally book at least 90 days in advance.
For a list of ports or places you can visit in Bermuda, click here.
For information from the US Department of State about any destination, visit Travel.State.Gov.