Here's why so many
singles choose
Vacations To Go!

Experience: We’ve operated hosted singles cruises for more than 15 years, and our team of professional hosts has led more than 220 sailings.

Freedom and flexibility: You can be as active or social or relaxed as you wish. It’s not just about making a romantic connection -- our singles simply enjoy spending time with others who love to travel.

Exclusive onboard activities: Our onboard host organizes cocktail parties, mixers, games, group excursions, single-mingle dining and more.

Great mix of ages: We see a wide range of ages on our cruises. We also have departures for specific age groups such as 25 to 55 or 50-plus.

Money-saving match program: We can pair you with another single of the same gender in one stateroom, allowing you to book a cheaper double-occupancy rate and avoid a single supplement.

Our Singles Department is open Mon-Fri 8am to 7pm, Sat-Sun 9am to 6pm, U.S. Central Time. For answers to frequently asked questions, click here. To sign up for our free singles newsletter, click here. To meet all of our singles hosts, click here.

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To see this month's Singles newsletter, click here.